Thursday, February 19, 2009

Seven Tips To Secure A Small Business

Of the estimated 18 million small businesses in the U.S., many are ideal targets for criminals because they are often open late with few staff members and have valuable merchandise in stock.
As law enforcement officials nationwide predict a rise in crime, small business owners can help protect their investments by safeguarding against burglary, robbery, shoplifting and fraud which, according to the National Sheriff's Association, cause at least 30 percent of all small business failures.
"Crime can be especially devastating for small businesses," said Joe Mac McConnell, vice president of small business for ADT Security Services. "The potential loss of profit and merchandise can be incredibly overwhelming, not to mention the threat crimes like robbery pose to customer and employee safety."
To help small business owners build a barrier against crime, protect their livelihood and proactively deter potential thieves, ADT Security Services, in conjunction with other leading security experts, has developed the following list of safety tips: Read More...

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